Simple, Easy To Follow Health Tips | simple tips with food facts

Most of these simple steps will greatly reduce your chances of getting cancer & heart disease. You'll also feel better and more alive!

Simple, Easy To Follow Health Tips | simple tips with food facts

  • Completely avoid aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal)!! Click the link for detailed info. on the numerous & serious health risks of this artificial sweetener.

  • Use butter instead of margarine. Butter isn't great for you, but it's much better than margarine which is an awful hydrogenated oil, it's like eating plastic and is impossible to digest. These hydrogenated oils(or trans-fatty acids) are chemically altered to increase shelf life & improve consistency and are found in many commercial products. However, they also greatly increase your chances for heart disease. cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

  • Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil as much as possible and avoid commercial canola oil. Popcorn covered in Olive oil is a healthy snack!

  • Avoid all Talc products including talcum powder(baby powder.) Talc is very similar to asbestos, and has been linked in some studies to ovarian cancer. Talc free baby powder made from cornstarch is available so there's no need to risk it.

  • Eat fatty fish(salmon, herring, sardines) several times a week or buy some flaxseed oil capsules and take them daily. Fish and flaxseed oil are the best 2 sources of ESSENTIAL omega 3 fatty acids. Without Omega 3's, your body malfunctions causing all sorts of problems including high cholesterol & cancer. You can also buy flaxseeds and sprinkle them on your salad. Avoid swordfish and shark though, especially if you are pregnant! Unfortunately they are highly contaminated with mercury and other toxins.

  • Use fresh garlic in recipes as much as possible. It has more health benefits than we can fit on this page.

  • Use ginger for nausea, stomach aches, motion sickness etc. Ginger is also an excellent anti-inflammatory.

  • Rejuvinate & protect your liver with Milk Thistle. Your liver performs over 400 different bodily functions daily.

  • Look into the herb Astragalus. It's a safe herb that has demonstrated remarkable immune system boosting effects for thousands of years, especially among cancer patients. If you or someone you know has cancer or is chronically ill, check out the following links:
  • Eat red potatoes instead of the big Russett potatoes. They're converted to sugar more slowly.
  • Eat brown rice instead of white rice. Brown rice is a whole grain, white rice has all the fiber and minerals removed and is the nutritional equivalent of eating a bowl of sugar(those poor Survivor contestants). I never liked brown rice at Chinese restaurants, it was always a little rough. However, anytime I've made homemade brown rice it's nice and soft. Plus Lundberg Farms make delicious brown rice cakes that are 10 times better than the popular supermarket brands like Quaker Oats. You may be able to find them at your local health food store or you can order them online.

  • Try and limit your intake of hydrogenated oils. Health food stores carry products such as corn chips, potato chips, popcorn, peanut butter, etc. that taste just as good as the popular brand name products but are free of hydrogenated oils which are only used to increase shelf life & improve consistency.

  • If you're sick and doctors don't know why, candida(yeast overgrowth) or parasites may very well be the cause. Antibiotics destroy your friendy bacteria in the gut which help inhibit the overgrowth of these organisms. Combined with a high sugar/refined carb diet, an overgrowth of yeast or parasites can occur, exacerbating or mimicing almost any disease or condition.

  • Try some nutbutters like almond or cashew nutbutter. Nuts are packed with vitamins, minerals & good fats and the nutbutters taste like candy. Your kids will love em too, let em spoon it right out of the jar if they want, it's one of the healthiest foods they can eat. If you have a food processor you can buy nuts in bulk and make your own nutbutter if you want(it's cheaper that way). You also might want to try some Tahini paste, which is ground up sesame seeds and the highest natural source of calcium. It has an odd, unique taste but you may grow to love it and enjoy it with salads, beans, as a healthy dip, or in other recipes.

  • Try not to sleep next to anything that generates electromagnetic fields, including an electric blanket or an alarm clock. They may disrupt your body's natural control systems and sleeping patterns, weakening your immune system and keeping you from getting deep, restful sleep. It may be a little inconvenient but I'd move that alarm clock away from your head. Besides, I've found that I sleep much better having no idea what time it is when I wake up during the night. If you have to get up at 6 AM and you wake up at 5 AM you may feel "pressure" to fall back asleep as quickly as possible cause you only have an hour of sleep left.

  • If you have irritable bowel syndrome, numerous food intolerances etc. look into taking some L-Glutamine for a few months, it's highly recommended for healing your intestinal lining.

  • Consider taking a plant derived enzyme supplement with meals. Enzymes are responsible for nearly all biochemical reactions in humans including digestion. Without enzymes, you can't digest food, vitamins etc. Enzymes found in food are completely destroyed by cooking, requiring our bodies to produce all the enzymes for digestion. This can result in an enzyme deficiency, especially in the sick and elderly. Unfortunately, we eat way too much cooked foods and not enough raw foods. An enzyme supplement taken with every meal can be extremely beneficial. You will feel better if you are completely digesting your food.

  • Exercise & drink plenty of water(you knew those were coming). So many people are chronically dehydrated, which can exacerbate many conditions. Get yourself a nice portable CD player and try to go on 30-45 minute walks. Take the stairs instead of escalators. There are so many benefits to exercise besides weight loss.

  • Did you know that too much exercise is bad for you? Several studies have proven that strenuous exercise for over 90 consecutive minutes decreases immune system fuctionality and lowers white blood cell activity.

  • If you suffer from joint pain or arthritis you should try eliminating all nightshade family vegetables to see if your symptoms improve. Many people find their symptoms completely disappear when they remove these vegetables. Common nightshade vegetables are the following: Tomatoes, Potatoes, Eggplant, Peppers, Chili, Red and Green Peppers, Paprika & Tobacco. Eating nightshade foods is believed to result in a buildup of cholinesterase inhibiting glycoalkaloids and steroids and may cause inflammation, muscle spasms, pain, and stiffness in sensitive people. Other research suggests that these nightshade foods all contain a substance called solanine, a bitter poisonous alkaloid that inhibits nerve impulses.

  • For Chrohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis or celiac disease.
  • Don't blindly trust ONE expert on any health subject. The human body is extremely complex and there are plenty of "experts" who have very different opinions of health, diet, nutrition etc. Your best bet is to read as much as possible on a certain health subject and make your own decision. is a great place to research any health related subject. Check out On Online Doctor helpline chat for consult online on diet and nutrition.

    All the steps above are pretty darn easy to follow. More difficult steps include limiting your intake of sugar and refined, simple carbs made from white flour(bagels, white bread, cookies, pasta, pretzels etc.). Eat whole grains(brown rice, whole wheat, oats, corn, etc.) products instead(check out our Whole Grain Flatbreads recipes!) Basically just eat real food. If you eat real food than you're almost always eating healthy. Fruits, veggies, nuts & seeds, whole grains, and beans are all real food so you can't go wrong.
    Try and limit your intake of soda. Besides the sugar or aspartame which are both bad for you, soda is extremely high in phosphorous which causes bone loss. Try and get in the habit on drinking a huge glass of water 15 minutes before eating. Do this before every meal and you won't need to drink soda or juice with your meals.


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