how to make Whole Grain Pancakes/Flatbreads


Whole Grain Pancakes/Flatbreads

These whole grain pancakes/flatbreads are delicious, easy to make and very nutritious. You can use any of the following flours, many of which can be found at health food stores: quinoa, cornmeal, brown rice, millet, oat, whole wheat, buckwheat, & rye. You can also use sorghum flour(milo), which is a great gluten free grain that I've only been able to find at Miss Robens. You can cook a whole batch of them and freeze them if you like. 

how to make Whole Grain Pancakes

These flatbreads are really great, the cornmeal flatbreads kind of come out like thick, hot corn chips. The oat flatbreads, once cooled and without oil, are very similar to bread.

    1. Preheat a pancake griddle on a high flame.

    2. Mix 1 cup flour with 1-2 cups of water(some flours need more water, you'll want a loose watery batter but not too watery). Add a little salt if desired. You can also experiment with ground up nuts. All the flatbreads taste different, so different nut combos might be necessary. Pecans & brown rice make a good mix but I'm sure the combo possibilities are almost endless.

    3. Add 1/2 - 1 Tbsp. of Extra Virgin Olive Oil(optional). Brown rice, cornmeal & sorghum flour are 3 I've had that are great with olive oil.

    4. Poor the batter onto the grill as small pancakes.

    5. Flip the pancakes over when they are a golden brown(just before they start to burn). This will take 3-4 minutes.

    6. Then cook them on the other side for about 4-6 more minutes. Eventually they'll get pretty crispy. You might have to lower the flame a little this way they don't burn. Usually, I'll flip them over one more time and cook them for 1 more minute to really get this crispy.

    7. Salt and enjoy, these aren't like pancakes so you won't want to put syrup on them, it probably won't mix well with the olive oil.

    8. If you like you can bake them in your oven after cooking them on the griddle to really make them crispy, almost like crackers. This really isn't necessary though.

    These flatbreads are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals & complex carbs. Avoiding all carbs is unnatural, unhealthy and something you would never, ever do unless you read it in a book. You really need to limit "simple carbs" like bagels, pretzels, white bread and anything else made from white flour. White flour is refined whole wheat flour. Basically, they take the whole wheat and remove virtually everything that's good for you, leaving nothing but the nutritional equivalent of a bowl of sugar. White flour products are great for causing constipation, blood sugar fluctuations, carbohydrate cravings, food for parasites, bacteria and fungi, weight gain and a host of other problems. White rice is refined brown rice. Real food, like whole grains, are the way to go!


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